
Man With World’s Longest Penis Exposed As Average By Doctor

Roberto Esquivel Cabrera, from Saltillo, Mexico, claims to have the world’s longest penis.

The 55-year-old has even registered himself as disabled because he claims his giant penis, which he measures at 18.9 inches (48cm), makes it impossible for him to work.

But radiologist Dr Jesus Pablo Gil Muro, who has examined Roberto, threw the world record claims into doubt when he said the man refused to take off all the bandages and would not let him see the skin. Dr Muro said

“When he came here to do a CT scan, my first impression was that it was a unique and unusual case. I had never seen a patient like Roberto.”

He said he had become suspicious, and conducted a CT scan, saying: “What the CT scan showed was that there is a very large foreskin. It goes just before the knee. But the penis itself is about 6 inches (16 to 18cm) from the pubis.”

“The rest of the tissue found there is just foreskin, blood vessels, and some inflammation of the skin.”

It then emerged Roberto had talked to his psychiatrist and revealed he had began enlarging his willy since he was a teenager, with Dr Munro saying:

“He was obsessed with the penis length. He wrapped some bands around his penis with some weights and trying to stretch it.”

The claims have sent quivers through the world record community, particularly after the man with the second largest penis in the world argued Roberto’s todger was not what it made out to be.

Jonah Falcon, 47, who claims to have a 13.5 inch (34cm) penis, says the fact that Roberto Esquivel Cabrera used weights means his claim is not real.

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