Height may influence anger in men.
Researchers at the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, recently quizzed 600 men aged between 18 and 50 on the perception of male gender, self-image and behavior in relation to drug-taking, violence and crime for a government-led study.
The scientists found that men who feel the least masculine are most at risk of committing violent or criminal acts.
According to the study, men who considered themselves less masculine, also known as “male discrepancy stress,” were nearly three times more likely to have committed violent assaults with a weapon or assaults leading to an injury.
A few years ago, a team of researchers at Oxford University also claimed “Short Man Syndrome” is a real thing.
They reported that reducing a person’s height can increase feelings of vulnerability and also raise levels of paranoia. Also known as the “Napoleon Complex.”
As modern society becomes more superficial and focused on the body standards for both sexes, height is becoming a taboo topic for many men.
“Feeling smaller makes people feel paranoid, mistrustful and more likely to think that people are staring or talking about them.”
Just for clarification, Napoleon was actually 5 feet 7 inches (1.70m) tall, which is basically the average height of our time.