Taiwanese biology student Neil Cheng Le, 26, owns a 43cm-long female Peruvian giant.
Cheng Le letting the nameless creepy crawly scamper over his bare skin before it feasted on cat food.

He warns this is not for first-time pet owner:
There’s definitely a risk handling venomous insects and it should be left to those with experience.
‘Their bite can definitely be painful but I never feel unsafe as I’m an experienced arthropod hobbyist. I have no problem letting her crawl over me and hand feeding her.
My roommate is just as crazy as me, he has his own venomous pets. She has always been very gentle and easy to handle. However you need the right experience and knowledge to keep them healthy.

Centipede’s stings, which are inflicted through their pincer-like front claws, can result in agonising pain, a blistering rash, nausea and fever. Their bites are so venomous, they can subdue prey 15 times its size – a trait that meant the student had to pick his roommate wisely.