Let he who is without sin roll the first bones.
Sister Mary Margaret Kreuper and Sister Lana Lang have been accused of embezzling a 500K from St. James Catholic School in Torrance, CA and then spending the money on gambling trips to Las Vegas.

The money was taken from student tuition fees and donations over a period of ten years and all while the Roman Catholic nuns insisted the school was operating on a bare-bones budget.
Sister Mary Margaret had been principal of the school for 28 years. Sister Lana was an eighth grade teacher for 20 years. They both have conveniently retired this year so they cannot be fired.

Monsignor Michael Meyers wrote:
Sister Mary Margaret and Sister Lana have expressed to me and asked that I convey to you, the deep remorse they each feel for their actions and ask for your forgiveness and prayers. They and their Order pray that you have not lost trust or faith in the educators and administrators of the school.

The school initially declined to press charges because they said they are sorry. But ABC News reported that a spokesperson for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles said that it will pursue a criminal case as investigation deepens.