The Autoblow AI consists of a rubbery sleeve and a motor. It launched its Indiegogo campaign for 1 week and quickly hit its goal of $50,000.
With a machine learning algorithm, the AI continually changes technique and provides unpredictable motions like pauses, edging, shallow tip play, and deep-throating.
The company recruited a team of six people to watch 109 hours of porn (1,200 oral sex scenes in general) and hired machine learning engineers to translate the data. The research, named in The Blowjob Paper, took three years to finish.
We use quantization techniques to discover sixteen distinct motions, and using these motions we design and evaluate a system that procedurally generates realistic movement sequences using deep learning. We quantitatively show that this system is superior to simple Markov Chain techniques.
The scientists did the work anonymously because they believed other clients might drop them if they were publicly associated with it.