After the long wait WhatsApp will be adding a new and long-awaited feature we have all been hoping for!
The new WhatsApp update will prevent lots of awkward situations that I’m sure has happened to most if not all of us.
There is 2 new updates one has just been released and the second one is to follow.
First update is that you can now deactivate the read receipts!
What this means is that someone can send you a message they will get 2 ticks but they will not turn blue even though you have read the message.
How can you do this you ask?
Its easy!
Step 1 Go to your WhatsApp settings
Step 2 Go to Account
Step 3 Go to Privacy
Step 4 You will see an option with a toggle button next to it that says “Read Receipts” just turn it off and that’s it.
Now for the BIG Update coming out very soon to IOS and Android
The new update ill allow its users in the first 2 minutes of sending the message you can recall it even after it has been delivered.
What this means is if you have sent a message by mistake or need to edit it you have 2 minutes to recall your message but only if the receiver has not read it already.
This will save us a lot of embarrassing moments.
We are really looking forward to this big WhatsApp update