Miss Chen from Xiamen city woke up one morning to find she couldn’t hear a word her boyfriend was saying.
She checked into Qianpu Hospital to see a doctor. She found out she was able to hear her female doctor speak just fine, but unable to hear a male patient who walked into the room.
Chen was diagnosed with an auditory condition called reverse-slope hearing loss (RSHL), which refers to the patient’s inability to hear low frequencies. She can’t hear particularly low sound, voices over the phone, the hum of a car, and thunder. According to Thigpen Hearing Center, many people with this condition don’t even realize they have it.
It is a rare condition, about 3,000 people in the US and Canada have it.
It has been linked to genetics and can be triggered by certain diseases (for example, Ménière’s disease) and viral infections. It can also be caused by changes in the pressure of the fluid in the inner ear, endolymph, which itself can be the result of spinal or general anesthesia, intracranial hypertension, and a perilymphatic fistula.
Chen had experience ringing in the ear and vomiting the night before and her doctors attributed it to stress and a lack of sleep. She is expected to make a full recovery in 3 months.