A Korean TV show named “Shocking Real Life Stories” has recently told the story of a teacher who brought the grades of his students up by promising to buy them prostitutes.
For the students to be able to go have sex with prostitutes, they had to signed and stamped a contract promising they would never reveal what happens during classes.
Class was always held in secret with in a brothel and behind closed doors.
The 30-tear-old Korean teacher known to the public as Mr. Park, didn’t even teach his students anything during their so called privet class sessions.
They spent time playing Korean gambling card games, and yet their grades got much better.
As promised by Mr Park, he rewarded the students with an experience with some prostitutes.
When the students arrived, the student with the highest grades got to pick a room first and they continued to pick rooms from the highest grade to the lowest, and of course there were prostitutes awaiting in those rooms as promised by Mr. Park
This experience boosted the students attention in classes, their academic result improved significantly.
Unfortunately footage of the students at a brothel was leaked and has put a stop to their journey and the teacher Mr. Park was arrested and sentenced to prison for 10 months while never being able to teach again.